Village Yoga

A new local business positioned to serve the local community with a refined brand system that supports global online growth. 

BEST refined Village Yoga’s visual language in a way that vibes easy and welcomes in a way that appeals to everyone. Less crunchy, dusty basement yoga. More tea, sweat, enjoyable practice.

Cath and Sam opened their studio with a pretty decent logo, but were looking to tighten up the visual language (identity ecosystem, color, type, secondary icons, marketing, signage, merch).

A few down dogs later and they have a toolkit that won’t disrupt the equity they’ve built, but WILL allow them to confidently build the business, grow the community both online and off.

“It was amazing to have partners working with us from the ‘inside out.’ Taking the joy, magic & community connection actually happening IRL and translating that coherently to the web and beyond. Go slow. Love the people.” - Cath Zack, Founder, Teacher, Student


Scribner's Catskill Lodge


Plan C